Rose Foundation

The funding can  be for general refurbishment or a specific scheme. It might be a repair to a roof or windows. It could be the creation of a disabled access or the provision of new toilets. It could adapt or create a classroom or bedroom. It could extend a building or improve the landscaping. It could be the fulfilling of Health and Safety requirements or fire protection. It could just be a redecoration.

What isn’t a building project?
The purchase of equipment (although that might be an integral part of an overall scheme which we could partially fund). The purchase of a building or a site. The seed money needed to draw up neither plans, nor fees generally.

Why less than £200,000?
They have found that small building projects are unable to command the wealth of advice which can be sourced and afforded for large schemes. The Trustees have extensive experience in projects of this size and are thus frequently able to add value to our donation by proffering advice and making recommendations, both in the design and construction phases. We have found this welcomed by hard pressed internal administrators of charities. Furthermore applicants may not be able to recruit a team of fundraisers for small schemes, so raising monies to cover the mundane realities of maintaining and adapting buildings can be harder than for wholesale redevelopment.

020 7262 1155