Whether you’re motivated by a desire to address injustice, have identified an unmet need or just want to give something back to the community, building a new organisation involves a lot of hard work. But the results can be incredibly worthwhile and fulfilling.
Here are a few things to consider before setting up a new organisation:
What is the difference you want to make?
A good place to start when setting up a new organisation is thinking - what is the difference I want to make? Every aspect of your organisation should be designed to help you to achieve this aim. Be sure to choose something specific and achievable.
Is your idea the most effective way of achieving your aims?
If your goal is to improve the wellbeing of people in a specific neighbourhood, for example, there are countless ways you could achieve this, but some will be more effective than others. You could throw a street party, run an exercise programme, organise a peer support group or provide training to help people get back into work. Each of these ideas could improve a person’s wellbeing, but doing some research into what the local community wants and needs – and what activities and services already exist in the local area - will give your organisation the greatest chance of success.
Who do you know that might be able to help?
Setting up a new organisation takes time and effort. Having people around you with different skills and a shared enthusiasm for what you are trying to achieve is really important. When building a team, make sure that each person shares a commitment to the project, and is clear about the skills and time they are willing to contribute.
Speak to KCSC
KCSC is here to assist new and local organisations with setting up, and can offer further support as the organisation grows and becomes established. Send us an email, and one of our development team will get in touch to discuss our range of FREE and personalised support.