Paul Hamlyn Foundation - Migration Fund

Paul Hamlyn Foundation's Migration Fund has reopened after a pause and is now focused on supporting not-for-profit organisations in the UK who are working towards the Foundation’s vision of a world in which everyone is free to move and no is forced to move.

Grants of up to £60,000 per year for three to four years (a total of £240,000) or grants up to £50,0000 per year for five years (a total of £250,000) are available to support core costs and specific programme costs.

Applications will be accepted from not-for-profit organisations of any size working anywhere in the UK who are working towards:

  • Embedding anti-racist practice across their organisation and work.
  • Adopting an organisational culture that centres care and wellbeing.
  • Shifting power to migrants and diaspora communities so their interests, perspectives and contributions are centred across the organisation’s work.
  • Building solidarity and collaboration across communities, while working towards transformational change that benefits us all.
  • Unlearning and challenging the harm, inequity, and oppression within their organisational structures and work.
  • Learning, reflecting and being responsive to change.

The funding can be used for work such as:

  • Collaborations, alliances, and coalitions
  • Campaigning and mobilisation
  • Community and worker organising
  • Intersectional non-party political education
  • Migrant and diaspora leadership development
  • Working towards changing law, policy and practice on issues affecting migrant and diaspora communities
  • Strengthening advice infrastructure
  • Community-centred strategic litigation and/or movement lawyering
  • Challenging anti-migrant and divisive narratives, laws and policies
  • Mainstreaming progressive narratives on migration and belonging.

Priority will be given to applications from organisations:

  • Led by migrants and diaspora communities.
  • That work with historically underfunded groups and regions.
  • With an annual turnover under £500,000.
  • That have less access to funding from other sources.

Newly established and unincorporated groups who meet the Fund’s criteria are welcome to apply.

How to apply:

There are no deadlines. The Fund operates on a rolling basis.

There is a two-step application process:

  • The first step is to request an enquiry call via the PHF website. PHF aims to respond to an enquiry call request within four weeks.
  • Those who are successful will be invited to make a written application through the PHF grants portal.

It can take between four to nine months to receive a decision.

Unsuccessful applicants must wait 12 months from the date of the declination before reapplying to this fund.

Contact the Paul Hamlyn Foundation for further information (details below).


Paul Hamlyn Foundation
020 7812 3300