This programme, which offers flexible funding over two years and development support, aims to help strengthen collaborations and build capabilities and confidence to achieve change within a local or regional area.
The funding is intended to support impactful collaborations that are led by small and local charities that have the specialist knowledge, compassion, and drive to keep fighting alongside people and communities for long lasting change.
The funding is for influencing work that aligns with at least one of the following themes:
- Making the social security system work better for those facing the greatest challenges.
- Making sure people facing complex issues have access to suitable accommodation.
- Improving support and services for asylum seekers and refugees.
Grants of £100,000 over two years are available.
Collaborations will also have the opportunity to extend the funding by a further year and an additional £50,000.
It is expected that around 15 grants will be made.
There is particular interest in work that addresses inequalities within these three themes.
Priority will be given to applications that show that lived experience is centred in the collaboration’s design and delivery.
Grants of £100,000 over two years are available. Collaborations will also have the opportunity to extend the funding by a further year and an additional £50,000. It is expected that around 15 grants will be made.
This funding cannot be used to fund direct delivery of services and is exclusively to support partnerships to influence locally and regionally.
This is the second round of this programme. The first round in 2023 supported 15 collaborations and therefore, the 2025 round will not consider applications from the following geographic regions that are addressing these themes:
- Improve the appropriateness of accommodation: Bristol, Liverpool, London (specifically where focus is on the accommodation needs of women experiencing domestic abuse).
- Increase the availability of accommodation - Greater Manchester and Leeds.
- Increase the availability of support for people facing crisis/destitution - Leicester and Leicestershire, Lewes District, Middlesbrough, The Wirral, Wrexham and York.
- Improve the quality and appropriateness of employment support - London Borough of Lambeth.
- Improve the appropriateness of support for asylum seekers and refugees - Gateshead and Greater Manchester.
- Improve access to legal support for asylum seekers and refugees - Sheffield.
A pre-application webinar to talk through the programme will be held on 19 March 2025. Registration is via the Foundation’s website.
The deadline for Expressions of Interest is 30 April 2025 (17:00).