
 Briefing papers

KCSC's response to the Borough and Governance Review Recommendations - 25 April 2019

KCSC has engaged with RBKC’s Governance Review since its inception. Prior to this, we have worked in partnership with the Volunteer Centre Kensington and Chelsea to support the Centre for Public Scrutiny and Democracy Society to engage with local people and the voluntary and community sector in its review of the RBKC’s governance and decision-making structures. We have facilitated discussions through KCSC’s Grenfell Network Group meetings, submitted collective responses as the review has progressed, and attended and contributed to the Panel’s open meetings.

Distributed Governance proposal for North Kensington Recovery Group

The Grenfell Network Group, a collaboration of residents, councillors and voluntary agencies wrote up a proposal for RBKC - Governance Review. The proposal is to provide a solid foundation for a community-led recovery within the five wards of North Kensington, and a model for increased public participation in decision-making across Kensington & Chelsea.




This report brings together the learning to date from seven key areas that have focused on the integration of health and care services. The focus goes beyond the narrow definition of health and care to include more preventative approaches including services such as housing, social and community activity.


Accountable Care Partnerships (ACPs)

The concept behind an ACP is that a group of providers agree to work together to deliver care for a defined population by forming an ACP. They will be collectively responsible for commissioning services to deliver against a set of outcomes, designed by the ACP. Providers will work under a single contract with a single pooled budget to take joint responsibility for delivering services.

Latest Health and Social Care Policy

This document is intended to update the local voluntary sector on the latest developments in Health and Social Care.

The majority of the changes outlined stem from the NHS Five Year Forward View . A key theme, running through all documents referred to in this paper is the further integration between Health and Social Care, an increasing emphasis on prevention, and a focus on the need for radical change to tackle efficiency savings.