NHS Changes - A guide for VCOs in Kensington and Chelsea
A new guide for those finding it difficult to keep up with changes in the structure of the NHS.
Localism and its Legal Mandate
The Localism Bill aims to put more power in the hands of communities. Here we outline some of its main points and ask what's in it for the voluntary and community sector.
Reducing Health Inequalities In Kensington and Chelsea
The role of the Voluntary and Community Sector in reducing health inequality.
NHS Reform - The Coalition Government Proposal
In July 2010 the Coalition Government published the health white paper ‘Equity and Excellence; Liberating the NHS’. This document highlights the main changes within the proposed reform and opens up the debate on the future role of the voluntary and community sector in response to those changes.
Kensington and Chelsea Poverty Profile
This briefing highlights information contained in the London Poverty profile where it relates to the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea.
What is Big Society?
The results of a discussion amongst the sector on Big Society and its possible impact at a local level.