Greater London Authority: Cool Spaces

Submitted by Fenn Reynolds on

Over recent summers the Greater London Authority (GLA) has been running the Cool Spaces initiative, a register and online map of spaces that provide opportunities for people to shelter from the sun, cool down and rest during hot weather. Libraries, leisure centres, places of worship and community centres are among the spaces that have registered in past editions.

The July 2022 heatwave marked the first time the UK had recorded a temperature of 40°C. Cool Spaces played a significant role in helping Londoners locate places of respite during the hot weather.

The GLA would like to invite organisations that manage a space to join the initiative and sign up to support Londoners cope in hot weather this summer.

If your community space is open to all, is cooler than outdoors when it’s hot and can provide free drinking water and seating space for rest and recovery, please complete the Registration form.


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Greater London Authority