Free Change4Life healthy lifestyle clubs for local families after half term

Submitted by zina serageldin on

Family Action are delighted to share details of their upcoming term of free Change4Life Clubs for local children and families, which start after the half term break. 

A free five week programme, open to any child (with accompanying parent/carer), young person or expectant parent who lives, attends a state-funded school or children’s centre or is registered with a GP in Kensington and Chelsea or Westminster. 

Clubs cover a range of health-related topics including healthier eating (including starting solid food for under 1s), increasing physical activity, caring for emotional wellbeing, oral health and getting a good night’s sleep in a fun, welcoming, age-appropriate manner, including making food in each session, with participants given an ingredients pack of food or a food/physical activity related item to take home every week.

Families can find out more about their clubs at

An online registration/referral form for families and professionals can be found here:

Join the Family Action mailing List here.

Start4Life Club (Expectant parents & birth partners)

 Mini Club (0-12 Months + parent/carer)

Mini Club (1-4 Years + parent/carer)

Kids Club (5-11 Years + parent/carer)

Young People’s Club (11-19 years, up to 25 for young disabled people and young people with a special educational need)

Other Free Services

  • 1:1 family coaching for children and young people aged 5-19 (up to 25 for young disabled and young people with a special educational need) who are on or above the 91st centile for weight for their age
  • Ward-focussed Neighbourhood Projects, currently in Dalgarno, Earls Court and Queen’s Park – contact us if you would like to get involved
  • Workshops for parents/carers, children and young people
  • Staff/volunteer training on a range of health-related topics
  • Nutrition and physical activity advice service for local organisations
  • Change4Life Awards and grants
Noticeboard Types
Family Action