Crosslight's Money Course: a free, simple, effective money skills course

Submitted by lfreeman on

Join us for a light meal and discover practical, everyday money skills with like-minded people at one of our face-to-face courses.

Our Money Course is free to attend and consists of three sessions, one week apart.

Our friendly facilitators are available to support and encourage you to get to grips with your money, start your budget and feel better about your finances!

We'd love to see you - please come along if you can and feel free to bring a friend!

Noticeboard Types
St Augustine's Church, Queen's Gate, South Kensington, SW7 5LP
Megan Heath: [email protected]; tel. 0300 373 1180
Crosslight Advice
Closing Date
Event Date
Wednesday 05 Jun 2024 18:30:00 - Wednesday 19 Jun 2024 20:30:00
Disability access