Health & Wellbeing
The Kensington and Chelsea Foundation has commissioned a refreshed look at some of the key indicators of inequalities in our community.
Health & Wellbeing Forum - Thursday 7 March 2024
Presentation slides:
NHS: Improving Same Day Access to Primary Care
We would like to hear you thoughts on an ambitious plan to improve same day access to primary care for patients is being introduced by NHS North West London.
Vibrant & Healthy Communities Community Chest announces its first awards
The Community Chest, a grant award part of the Vibrant & Healthy Communities Programme, has funded 16 VCS organisations to help increase early detection of cancer.
What is the Vibrant & Health Communities Programme?
Vibrant Healthy Communities: Doing Things Differently Bi-borough VCS Summit 2023
Thanks to all across the Bi borough who came to the Vibrant and Healthy Communities 'Doing things Differently' Bi borough VCS Summit on Friday 17 November.
Health & Wellbeing Forum - Tuesday 4 July 2023
Presentation slides:
Bi Borough Voluntary and Community Sector Health and Wellbeing Strategy
KCSC & One Westminster are pleased to announce a new strategic plan which seeks to ensure the future role of the voluntary and community sector is embedded in the design and delivery of local health and care services.
Health & Wellbeing Forum
Thursday 5 July 2022, 10.00am to 11.30pm
Committee Room 1, Kensington Town Hall
Meeting agenda
Minutes to follow