Finance Surgery - Appointments

Do you represent, work or volunteer for a small voluntary or community organisation in Kensington and Chelsea* and need some finance support or advice?

*Your organisation must be in K&C and be currently running community activities. It must also have an annual income of less that £100,000. 

Our Finance Surgery in North Kensington on Wednesday 12 March 2025 will run between 10:30am and 1:30pm.

A community accountant will be available to offer advice on topics such as:

  • Making sure your financial procedures are robust
  • Complying with statutory and funders' reporting requirements
  • Budgeting

To book a 45 minute advice slot (subject to availability) and for the full address please email: [email protected]. Please confirm in your email that your organisation is currently running activities in Kensington and Chelsea, and that it's annual income is less than £100,000. 



We provide a range of services to local organisations such as help with setting up, develop, fundraise or improve your monitoring and impact recording.


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We provide a range of services and links that enable you to be involved and active in your community, whether it’s through volunteering, joining resident-led groups or accessing local services and activities.


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