Woodward Charitable Trust - General Grants


The Woodward Charitable Trust funding is for charitable organisations in the UK, to support core costs in the following areas:

  • Children and young people (up to 25 years) who are isolated, at risk of exclusion or involved in antisocial behaviour. This covers gang violence and knife crime, education and mentoring, as well as projects that work to raise self-esteem and employment opportunities and encourage an active involvement in and contribution towards the local community.
  • Disadvantaged families. This covers parenting support and guidance, mental health, food poverty, refuges and domestic violence projects.
  • Incarcerated people and ex-offenders and specifically projects that maintain and develop contact with prisoners' families and help with the rehabilitation and resettlement of prisoners and/or ex-offenders after their release.

The majority of an applicant's beneficiaries (more than 50%) must be within at least one of these areas to be eligible. 

Grants of up to £3,000 are available. However, most grants are for £1,000 or less.

UK registered charities, charitable incorporated organisations, community interest companies and exempt charities can apply. Organisations must have an annual turnover of less than £200,000.

Core (not project) funding is available for projects that help families and young people and that aim to improve the life chances of the beneficiaries. The Trust favours projects that promote community cohesion and the development of skills that will change the outlook and outcomes for the users. Organisations that promote volunteering and involve both past and present users in their operations or management are encouraged.

The Trustees are looking for charities that make a real difference in their communities and who stand out in the work that they do.

The Trust only makes grants for core costs rather than specific projects.

How to Apply:

The next deadline for applications is 26 July 2024 (noon).

There are two application windows each year with applications usually considered in March and November.

An online application form is available to complete on the Trust's website.

All applications must be supported by a current budget for the year, management accounts and safeguarding, child and/or vulnerable adult policies.

Contact The Woodward Charitable Trust for further information (details below).


Woodward Charitable Trust
020 7410 0330