Rosa - Stand With Us Fund


Rosa set up 'The Stand With Us Fund' to address the critical lack of investment in frontline organisations supporting women and girls who experience male violence. The fund aims to make the UK safer for all women and girls.

One-year grants of up to £25,000 are available for the period of January - December 2025.
This round aims to achieve the following outcomes:

  • Women and girls will be supported by organisations delivering frontline services to end male violence against women and girls, ensuring women and girls can be safe, healthy and equal.
  • Women and girls organisations will be empowered and strengthened, meaning that they will be in a stronger position to survive, thrive and grow into the future.

The funding is intended to enable organisations to be in a stronger position to survive, thrive and grow by investing in organisational development work such as developing strategy, strengthening governance and leadership, a stronger voice in the women’s movement, creating stronger alliances and partnerships, increasing fundraising, volunteering and activism, demonstrating impact and more effective systems and processes.

It is expected at least 18 organisations across the four UK nations will be funded.

Not-for-profit organisations may apply. There are a number of eligibility criteria and priorities in place, please check the Rosa website for full details.

A list of example activities that would be eligible for funding is also available to view in the application guidance.

How to apply

The deadline for applications is 30 July 2024 (17:00).

Guidance and an online application form can be found on the Rosa website.

There will be two ‘How to Apply’ webinars to help applicants develop their applications:

Contact Rosa for further information (details below).

