KCSC Update

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Stephen Duckworth.  Stephen joined the board of KCSC in 2015 and was voted by KCSC members to stay for a third term in 2021, and only left the board in May this year due to ill health.  

Stephen had a long history with the Social Council being Treasurer of Notting Hill Social Council in the 1960s (a precursor of Kensington and Chelsea Social Council).

As a member of Notting Hill Methodist Church, Stephen was involved in much of the early work of the Social Council in the 1960s bringing disparate groups within the community together to build cohesion and develop community solutions to improve the local area.

The Chair of KCSC - Shelina Thawer has expressed her sympathies stating 

'The untimely departure of Stephen has been keenly felt by all those he worked with during the course of his long association with the Social Council - community members, residents, staff and Board members alike.  He was held in high regard for his contribution and evolution of the organisation’s work and we all miss his quiet presence.  Our thoughts and prayers are with Stephen’s family at this difficult time '

Stephen will be greatly remembered by all who knew him for his contribution towards social justice.  There will be a Memorial for Stephen at a later date yet to be confirmed.


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