Introduction from our Acting Chief Executive Officer

My name is Carrie, & I wanted to say hello!
So if you see me in the street, or in a meeting then you’ll know

I’ll be holding the fort for Angela while she’s on her sabbatical 
KCSC is still here (above the Museum of Brands), where the garden is magical

I’ll be the Acting CEO from now until the end of August
Supporting the team, board & sector as promised

I used to work in the borough from 2015 - 21 
At both the Volunteer Centre, then local NHS where we had fun!

Since then I’ve worked in Tower Hamlets Public Health 
In a similar borough with great deprivation & wealth

I’m passionate about the voluntary sector & the work that we all do
Collaborating & advocating for what we know is true

Angela will be back in the borough before we know it
And until then I’m here to support the Summer transit ☀️

My email is [email protected] if you’d like to reach out 
The kettle will be on so please do shout!

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We provide a range of services and links that enable you to be involved and active in your community, whether it’s through volunteering, joining resident-led groups or accessing local services and activities.


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