Kensington and Chelsea Social Council are pleased to announce the publication of "Community Guide to Influencing Planning and Development in Kensington and Chelsea". The report could not have been achieved without the collaboration of our partners Just Space and many residents from the North Kensington community.
The borough is obliged to produce a Local Plan, and RBKC had already done so in 2019, but the events of 14 June 2017, had changed the landscape. As Cllr Elizabeth Campbell said in the introduction to the new plan:
"Our approach to the Local Plan has evolved significantly over the last 5 years since the bereaved and survivors from Grenfell challenged us to build more social rented housing as a proportion of affordable housing provision in the Borough. When we adopted the current Local Plan in September 2019, I made a commitment to do this and for it to be ready for examination within the next three years. ..... This Local Plan is ambitious on housing, committing developers to provide truly affordable homes. Mirroring the approach we have taken on our own New Homes Programme, where we are building 600 new homes, with 300 at social rent."
The report details the work and processes undertaken to influence the final shape of the New Local Plan, after public meetings, submissions, more submissions, and finally an examination in public - part of which was conducted from the Green Room of a Glastonbury stage!
The guide addresses why planning is one of the most significant issues residents in the borough face, though it is often dismissed as a "bit dull." It shows how organisation, determination, and perseverance can yield results, results that can impact residents for a generation.
To download your copy, click on this link.