Women's Rough Sleeping Census National Report

Women's Rough Sleeping Census are pleased to share the 2023 census report, summarising results and findings from all 41 local authorities which took part in the census.

Read the 2023 national census report here.

The national Women’s Rough Sleeping Census Report 2023 sets out the key findings from a week-long, national census of women sleeping rough in 41 local authorities across England. Outreach teams conducting the census found 815 women, a far higher number than Government counts in those areas indicate. 

More information about the census can be found here, and on the report page you can find a recording of report launch webinar. 

For details about London’s census results, you can find the London specific report here: https://www.solacewomensaid.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/London-2023-Womens-Rough-Sleeping-Census-Report.pdf

In the coming weeks and months, Women's Rough Sleeping Census will be sharing information about how to take part in the 2024 census which will be running from 23rd-29th September 2024.

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