Funding Surgery, World’s End Place
Our Funding Surgery offers one to one support with finding funding sources, planning your next funding application and/or offering feedback on it.
Our Funding Surgery offers one to one support with finding funding sources, planning your next funding application and/or offering feedback on it.
What is the Vibrant & Health Communities Programme?
Thanks to all across the Bi borough who came to the Vibrant and Healthy Communities 'Doing things Differently' Bi borough VCS Summit on Friday 17 November.
A collaborative video involving a working group associated with the CVS Directors Network and a student from London College of Communications.
Kensington and Chelsea Council are inviting applications for two grant funds: Stay and Play Provision, and Family and Parenting Support.
1. Stay and Play Grant Funding:
We have all heard the devastating news of the earthquake in Morocco. Over the coming days and weeks there will be lots of activity locally and across London to aid the effort of providing emergency support.
KCSC & One Westminster are pleased to announce a new strategic plan which seeks to ensure the future role of the voluntary and community sector is embedded in the design and delivery of local health and care services.
We are planning our training programme for the rest of 2022/23 and want to ensure that we are meeting your organisation's needs. We would be grateful if you could spare a few minutes to let us know what training you and your teams would find useful.