Health & Wellbeing News

Health & Wellbeing News

The Kensington and Chelsea Foundation has commissioned a refreshed look at some of the key indicators of inequalities in our community.
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Measles is circulating in our boroughs. Public Health want to make sure you know the signs and symptoms in case anyone in your family or community becomes unwell. We all have a role in keeping our community safe so please share this messaging as widely as possible. 

To view a summary of advice targeted at the local voluntary and community sector, please click here.

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We would like to hear you thoughts on an ambitious plan to improve same day access to primary care for patients is being introduced by NHS North West London.

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The Community Chest, a grant award part of the Vibrant & Healthy Communities Programme, has funded 16 VCS organisations to help increase early detection of cancer.

What is the Vibrant & Health Communities Programme? 

The programme brings the VCS, NHS, Local Authorities, Public Health and other stakeholders together in partnership to address health inequalities across Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster. The programme is driven by focus on early intervention and prevention, recognising that our communities hold the solutions. 

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