GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations)
Data Protection law changed on May 25th 2018 to the General Data Protection Regulations which have brought in a number of changes. It is important for all organisations to be aware of these and to make sure they comply. Below are links to some useful guidance:
- DATA PROTECTION AND GDPR from Know How Non-profit
- Data Protection advice from NCVO
- Guide to GDPR from the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO)
- NHS guide for voluntary organisations on the national data opt-out
- Roots HR GDPR factsheet
- This free online tool from Protecture will help you to self-assess the arrangements your organisation has in place to meet your GDPR obligations.
- Cyber security e training tools for your staff
Below are some sample policies that you can download. We intend to add more updated policies to this list over time. Please note these policies are for guidance only. Any policy needs to be written to meet the needs of your organisation and checked it is in line with current legislation.
- Information Governance Policy
- Data flow mapping example and Mapping tool
- Password Policy template
- Network security template
- Subject Access Request procedure template and Subject Access Request form template
- Business Continuity Plan template