Are you looking for support and ideas from like-minded organisations?
KCSC provides and supports a wide range of forums and networks in Kensington and Chelsea that bring together voluntary organisations and community groups. Your feedback tells us this is a really great way for organisations to get information and advice from others who've had similar experiences.
Our events work around specific areas and offer spaces in which organisations work in partnership with the local statutory sector.
To find out more please select from the choices below. You can also sign up to our bulletins to receive information on specific topics.
Health and Wellbeing Forum
Quarterly meeting for all voluntary sector health and wellbeing professionals in RBKC to share knowledge and skills, network and build partnerships, and receive updates and information.
CEO Peer Network
Monthly meeting for any CEO/Director or equivalent of any local Voluntary and Community Organisation or Social Enterprise who work in RBKC to share ideas and strengthen the strategic voice of the sector.
RBKC Safer Neighbourhood Board
6 monthly meeting giving local people and victims in RBKC a greater voice in establishing local policing and crime priorities.
North Kensington Health and Wellbeing Network
Monthly meeting for service providers who work in RBKC to share knowledge and skills, network and build partnerships, and receive updates and information.
VCS Senior Managers Peer Network
Quarterly peer network for senior managers from RBKC's Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS).
Meet the Funder
A regular forum for local voluntary and community organisations to attend to learn more about local funding.