Responsibilities of a CIC Director (via Zoom)

This session will set out your legal duties and the possible consequences of not fulfilling them, as well as best practice for running an effective and sustainable CIC.


Join us as we go over your responsibilities as the director of a Community Interest Company, including the legal duties you must understand and fulfil. This includes ensuring your CIC's activities continue to satisfy the 'community interest test', that the CIC is compliant and well-run, and that end-of-year reporting requirements are being met.


After each session, you can access one-to-one support from the Organisational Development team, for advice in any areas or subjects you would like (by appointment).


This training is for directors of CICs operating in the borough of Kensington and Chelsea, and particularly those who may be new to the role. Staff members are also welcome to attend. It is not open to members of the public.

Terms and Conditions
By booking you are confirming acceptance of our Terms and Conditions 



21st, August 2024 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Online Meeting via Zoom