Raising money is not a quick task, and the greater the amount of money you are seeking, the more time you need for preparation and the longer the lead time typically is for funders. Developing an effective fundraising strategy, to ensure you have the funding you need, when you need it, requires a methodical approach, a sound knowledge of how fundraising works and an honest evaluation of your organisation’s position.
In this course, we will look at the techniques and tools you need to create a fundraising strategy, equipping you to make informed income decisions for your organisation.
This is the first of our fundraising series. Our second session will be on Earned Income on 12 December. Click here to find out more.
After each session, you will have access to one-to-one support from the Organisational Development team, for advice in any areas or subjects you would like (by appointment).
Please note, spaces may be limited to one person per organisation, depending on demand.
This training is for representatives of local voluntary and community organisations operating in the borough of Kensington & Chelsea. It is not open to members of the public.
Terms and Conditions
By booking you are confirming acceptance of our Terms and Conditions.
Cancellation and punctuality
If, on consecutive occasions, you arrive late, leave early or fail to attend without providing prior notice at least 3 working days in advance of an event start time, a temporary bar will be enforced on your organisation for a period of 6 months.