Scroll down for the latest on KCSC Events and Training, Sector News, Health and Wellbeing, Funding, Announcements, and more.
KCSC Events and Training
Disclosure and Barring (DBS) Training
This online session is suitable for anyone wishing to learn more about the Disclosure and Baring Service (DBS), including when and how to request a check and/or make a referral.
Vibrant and Healthy Communities - Doing things Differently Summit
Providing an important and timely opportunity to consider what is working well and what more needs to be done to embed voluntary and community action in the local health and care system.
The Mayor's Awards are an annual opportunity to celebrate the achievements of individuals, groups and organisations that have made an outstanding contribution to life in Kensington and Chelsea.
Vibrant and Healthy Communities - Doing things Differently Summit
You are warmly invited to this summit facilitated by KCSC and One Westminster to deepen how we work together to address health inequalities in the bi-borough.
The Rebel School, Kensington and Chelsea Council and Lancaster West Neighbourhood Team have joined forces to build residents skills and knowledge to become an entrepreneur.
This is the national awareness day to help ensure unpaid carers know their rights and are able to access support that is available to them as soon as they need it.
Grants are available to charities working to develop communication skills for people from disadvantaged groups who want to improve their employment prospects.