In this extraordinary time we are asking CVS partners within RBKC if they can provide some of their staff to be part of, what we hope will be, a large team that delivers food and medical supplies (as appropriate) to the borough's most vulnerable people. It is anticipated that many older people (possibly over 70s) will become isolated by a Government request in the days to come. This could be several thousand people within the borough. However, concerns are also mounting over other vulnerable group such as those with physical and mental health issues, those dependent on substances, those sleeping rough on the streets or in housing first accommodation, those who may have become newly unemployed, those on Universal credit (or sanctioned) and single parents - the list is staggering. If we create a small army of voluntary sector professionals we may have the resilience to provide a lasting service through this period which can sit alongside the myriad of local responses and where appropriate add significant support to their efforts. So if in this extended period of working from home you feel your organisation could assist in this effort please contact [email protected]. If you do not work in the voluntary sector but would like to enlist with us to join this then please contact The Volunteer Centre via this link |